rOpenSci HQ

  • We are holding our 3rd annual rOpenSci unconference 31 March - April 1 in San Francisco.
  • We are trying something new: rOpenSci office hours. The first one is this Thursday at 9 am PST. We’ll focus not so much on bug fixing your code, but talking about use cases researchers have working with data, either on the web or not, in R. Our goal with these discussions is to identify common problems researchers have, and then later solve those through software. It’s open to anyone - join us! More info in our discussion forum.



Use cases

Two recent papers cite and/or rOpenSci software:


  1. Dallas, T. (2016). helminthR: An R interface to the London Natural History Museum’s Host-Parasite Database. Ecography, 

  2. Colomb, J., & B. Brembs. (2016). PKC in motorneurons underlies self-learning, a form of motor learning in Drosophila. PeerJ PrePrints.