Feb 15, 2016
rOpenSci HQ
- We are holding our 3rd annual rOpenSci unconference 31 March - April 1 in San Francisco.
- We are trying something new: rOpenSci office hours. The first one is this Thursday at 9 am PST. We’ll focus not so much on bug fixing your code, but talking about use cases researchers have working with data, either on the web or not, in R. Our goal with these discussions is to identify common problems researchers have, and then later solve those through software. It’s open to anyone - join us! More info in our discussion forum.
- A new package (version
is on CRAN. See the vignettes for intros to solr search, local Solr setup, document management, and core/collection management. This is a reboot of thesolr
package, now compliant with Solr v5 and up, and now with functions for managing cores and collections. The package was re-named because of the major changes in the package, and to make use of the package easier to find on the web. Repository on GitHub. - A new package (version
is on CRAN.rdatacite
is an R client for Datacite. See the README for an introduction to the package. Repository on GitHub. - A new version (
) ofrgbif
is on CRAN.rgbif
is an R client for the GBIF API. See the the release notes for changes. Repository on GitHub. - A new version (
) ofrotl
is on CRAN. See release notes for changes. Repository on GitHub. - A new version (
) ofoai
is on CRAN. See the release notes for changes. Repository on GitHub. - A new version (
) ofrorcid
is on CRAN. See the release notes for changes. Repository on GitHub. - A new version (
) ofrcrossref
is on CRAN. See the release notes for changes. Repository on GitHub.
- A few members were added to our community page: Will Pearse and Stefan Bache.
- We will have our 9th community call on March 2nd at 9 am PST with Dr. Jenny Bryan talking about her Google Spreadsheets R API. More details at ropensci/commcalls#9.
Use cases
Two recent papers cite and/or rOpenSci software:
- Dallas has a paper in Ecography titled helminthR: An R interface to the London Natural History Museum’s Host-Parasite Database in which he describes the helminthR package 1
- Colomb and Brembs have a paper in Peerj Preprints titled PKC in motorneurons underlies self-learning, a form of motor learning in Drosophila in which they use and cite rfigshare 2
Dallas, T. (2016). helminthR: An R interface to the London Natural History Museum’s Host-Parasite Database. Ecography, https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.02131 ↩
Colomb, J., & B. Brembs. (2016). PKC in motorneurons underlies self-learning, a form of motor learning in Drosophila. PeerJ PrePrints. https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.1712v1 ↩